Analyst Coverage

This is a list of analysts who analyze, recommend, and comment on the Company’s performance.

List of Analysts (as of July 22, 2020)

Company Analysts
Daiwa Securities Co.Ltd. Kazuki Tokunaga
Yoshio Ando

Our report by Shared Research Inc.

* We have asked Shared Research Inc. to prepare a report for investors.

• The above table includes only the analysts who have agreed with the listing in the table based on the information we obtained. Therefore, there may be some analysts not listed in the table, the listing in the table does not mean our acceptance or support for them, and some information may not be the latest.
• The above table was for the purpose of providing investors with the information on analysts and institutions that analyze or forecast our performance, not for promoting or recommending the trading of the shares of our company.
• Each analyst analyzes our performance and business, etc. and forecasts our performance based on their own judgment. Our company is not involved in any processes of their work.
• Our company does not support or guarantee the forecasts, opinions, recommendations, or the like of these analyst.
• When you invest, please make investment decisions based on your own judgment and responsibility.